About Us:
Faith’s Farm-OK is our homestead/farmstead in central Oklahoma. First and foremost, it is an endeavor of faith. Here, we live by faith relying on the Creator God to provide His bounty at His pleasure. We endeavor to be watchful stewards of the land God has placed in our care. We endeavor to proclaim Him in all we do. Additionally, it’s a homage to the middle name (Faith) my mom lovingly bestowed at my birth. Finally, it is a regional adaption due to our location (OK).
Our homestead was established in 2011 when we left the OKC metro area for a small acreage in Lincoln County. After a year of discussion, we named our homestead, Faith’s Farm-OK. In March of 2013, we started blogging about our adventure. Garden, orchard, vineyard, cattle, goats, chickens, dogs, flowers, cats, and memories… you’ll find a bit of it all.
We chronicle our farm activities with short articles here on the site to share with family and friends. Plus, it helps us keep a record of what’s going on when. We hope to share a little information and keep others from making the same mistakes we do. We are pleased to have you join us in our adventure.
Contact Us:
The best way to contact us is to send a text message to our phone number. We can also be reached by email or on social media platforms @faithsfarmok.