Goats, goats, and more goats
The 2022 Spring Kidding season kicked off with Mercy delivering 2 adorable bucklings.
10 goats later, we have 20 kids on the ground and one doe left to kid.
22 degrees on the farm this morning under clear skies with light winds. Seedlings are really putting on the new leaves. Sweet potato slips have roots. Flats are ready for new seeds. Chickens are out but staying close to the hen house. The one dark chick that was struggling yesterday did not make it through…
As a youngster, I grew up “in the country.” Grandma’s 40 acres was our playground. We had dogs and a few random cats along the way. Occasionally, there might be a flock of chickens around doing bug patrol. BUT, there were no goats, cows, ducks, geese, turkeys, hogs, horses, alpacas, or donkeys. So, who would…
It was 51 degrees on the farm this morning and there was a short fog over the land. Pretty. It’s time to do some little jobs that have been needing attention around here. Someone will have to make a run to the feed store. 40 chickens eat a lot. So, we are off to see…
It is cold out here. I’m so thankful for a fireplace and wood to heat the house. I’m praying for those that have to work out in this weather. Although it is 28 degrees just outside the office window, the wind chill makes being outside miserable. Our cows seem to be indifferent about the cold…
While MM and I were off visiting family, one of the chickens cut her foot. The kids have been taking care of her and doing a great job at it! They’ve cleaned, doctored and bandaged her up so that she is healing nicely. Love having the kids on the farm.