Farm Report 18 Apr 2016

Spring rains are here.  The garden and pastures are excited.  🙂  The weeds and grass are soaking up the moisture and inching their way skyward.  Sigh.

It has been a busy start to this two thousand and sixteenth year.  The goats basically exploded on us.  What was I thinking?  Oh, right.

The asparagus is doing well this year.  I’ve already canned 4 pints.  I’ll probably have enough to can more tomorrow.  I am watching the grape vine pretty closely.  I stand amazed (AGAIN) at God’s handiwork.  It’s up to Him to provide the increase.

Miss Sunny – the broody hen is still at her nest.  She still mutters at me when I bring her food.  I tell her each time, I’m not gonna get your eggs.

Such is the simple life on the old homestead.  What joy, what joy!!

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