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2 Jan 2014 – Farm Report
We’ve finished the new stalls for the moo girls. Added the individual hay mangers today. So far they seem to be liking them just fine. Our injured chicken was given some isolation time today to keep her out of the dirt and away from the roos. She wasn’t overly happy with this arrangement as she is…
06 Dec 2013 – Farm Report
Snow. That is what it is. Got out this morning and made sure the animals all had food and water. Then went back out later to make sure the water wasn’t freezing up quickly. Sweet Pea is one of the busiest dogs I have ever seen. The snow was smooth and beautiful this morning. Bear…
31 Dec 2013 – Farm Report
While MM and I were off visiting family, one of the chickens cut her foot. The kids have been taking care of her and doing a great job at it! They’ve cleaned, doctored and bandaged her up so that she is healing nicely. Love having the kids on the farm.
What Weed IsThis?
I’ve decided to do a weekly plant identification activity. Please join me for … WEDNESDAY’S “WHAT WEED is this?” Each week I’ll post pictures of a plant I want to learn to identify. If the information is available, I’ll post it’s leaves, stem, flower, fruit and seed as clues. However, they’ll be posted on various…
Farm Changes coming
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Reworking my Goat Milk Soap
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