Goats, goats, and more goats
The 2022 Spring Kidding season kicked off with Mercy delivering 2 adorable bucklings.
10 goats later, we have 20 kids on the ground and one doe left to kid.
I’m back after a brief absence to marry off my daughter. 🙂 Such a sweet wedding. Ah. … It’s a bit cool on the farm this morning but still a nice day. We’ve had a few small showers over the last week but we are so dry. Maroochy and the chicklets are still in…
It’s Christmas time! Merry Christmas from the farm to all our friends and family. Thanking God for all his provision especially the gift of his son – born, died, buried, and rose again! YAY!
50 degrees and mild on the farm this morning. Baby chicks are growing fast. Wing feathers are starting to come in and there are a few tail feathers sticking out now. Seedlings are coming along fine. We were able to put in 48 feet of green pea seed yesterday. And the pace begins to pick…
While at the used book store, I came across a book titled “Bible Wines or Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients”. It looked interesting so I brought it home and have begun to read it. The original thesis was written prior to 1871 and has some amazing information in it. I am now…
I must admit that I was very excited about posting regular farm updates. However, I’m not the most consistent person in the world so it’s been hit or miss. All the farm animals have survived the first big snow. It’s still pretty cold around here though. At least the water is NOT freezing quickly. The…
I hate the time change each time it rolls around. Why can’t we leave well enough alone? Why are we trying to “fix” it by changing it twice a year? ugh. Autumn is in full swing around here. The trees by the house are in camouflage and it’s a cool 61 degrees this afternoon. Our…