25 Dec 2013 – Farm Report
It’s Christmas time! Merry Christmas from the farm to all our friends and family. Thanking God for all his provision especially the gift of his son – born, died, buried, and rose again! YAY!
Wow, it’s been a long while since I posted anything. So, lets get to the news… We’ve added an animal to our farm. “Pippin Tom” is our Thanksgiving Turkey. He’s a handsome white boy. I’ve been getting a few cucumbers from the garden (and, yes, it’s about the only thing we are getting.) That means I’ve…
While at the used book store, I came across a book titled “Bible Wines or Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients”. It looked interesting so I brought it home and have begun to read it. The original thesis was written prior to 1871 and has some amazing information in it. I am now…
We started our journey with chickens and a garden. We still have both. The chicken flock is smaller now tho. We found that we don’t use a lot of eggs and we do not have the desire to process our own birds for food. We can if we have to but we’d just as soon…
Morning Report: 32 degrees this morning, very windy at this time. The seedlings are doing well and it’s time to start another round. We were able to put in 2 rows of potatoes yesterday as well as prepping 2 rows for garden peas. Bad news – Yeva turned on all the dark colored chicks during…
I’m back after a brief absence to marry off my daughter. 🙂 Such a sweet wedding. Ah. … It’s a bit cool on the farm this morning but still a nice day. We’ve had a few small showers over the last week but we are so dry. Maroochy and the chicklets are still in…
I want to start putting a milestone on each year. A recap of what was accomplished on the farm and a quick summary of dreams for the next year. Main House: No activity was planned or completed on the main house. — We need to put a new roof on the house, install some piers, hang guttering…