Overstocked on Highlands…

After some careful consideration and some humbling realization, we have decided to sell most of our UNREGISTERED Scottish Highland fold.  Our enthusiasm for the breed got the better of us and we overstocked our acreage.  If you are interested in purchasing, contact us at 405-356-2839.  PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE or send a text! Greer &…

Unpasteurized Milk

The dairy industry in the United States has attempted to go to great lengths to “make sure” the milk you drink is safe.  In the process of doing this, they – the dairy industry – in cooperation with federal agencies – USDA, FDA, EPA, etc – have restricted your freedom to choose.  You have the…

Kidding Season Approaches

Here we are at the tail end of February and kidding season is fast approaching.  But, first we’ll have calving season.  Oops, didn’t plan that well.  Ugh.  It’ll be crazy busy around here during the month of March.First up are our big ‘ole moo girls.  Greer, Rona, and Blaire were all hanging out with Benny…